









En stor och en liten är borta.
Kristerapi med en pojke som är två år.

En liten pojke, som har mist halva sin familj, befinner sig i chocktillstånd när han kommer i terapi. I ord och bilder presenteras hur pojken behöver ledas och följas igenom sin sorg av terapeuten, och hur detta leder fram till psykologisk läkning. Kristerapin kommer att utgöra en länk till en ny framtid för honom.
Cleve, E. (2002) En stor och en liten är borta. Kristerapi med en tvåårig pojke. Wahlström & Widstrand.

Från kaos till sammanhang.
Psykoterapi med en pojke som har diagnosen ADHD.

Vinjetter från en psykoterapi som, både ur patientens och terapeutens perspektiv, skildrar hur det kan te sig innanför de lykta dörrarna till en barnpsykologs rum. Som det brukar vara, med impulsdrivna pojkar, är det möten med "stora gester" som ger upphov till blod, svett, skratt och tårar. Psykoterapin har bedrivits utifrån en psykodynamisk grundsyn samt med kunskaper i neuropsykiatri och pedagogik.
Cleve, E. (2000) Från kaos till sammanhang. Psykoterapi med en pojke som har diagnosen ADHD. Wahlström & Widstrand.

Sätt svart på vitt! – Berätta om ditt arbete!
Gunnar Carlberg och Elisabeth Cleve inleder med tankar om hinder och glädjeämnen inför att skriva om psykoterapeutiskt arbete. Gunnar berättar om erfarenheter av vad man kan kalla "kliniknära" forskning. Elisabeth berättar om egna erfarenheter av att skriva böcker om patienter. Det är mycket att tänka på innan man kan publicera sekretessbelagt material. En stor del av seminariet sker i diskussionsform. Vi hoppas att åhörarnas egna idéer och "skrivbordsprojekt" kan leda till ett givande utbyte.
Presentation vid PsykoterapiMässan 2004.

A Big and a Little One is Gone

This is a story from inside the child psychotherapist's room. Victor who is two and a half years old has lost his mother and younger brother in a car accident. He is "sunny and happy" and doesn't cry. He is a child in deep crisis and comes for a crisis therapy.

In this seminar we will follow Victor for his fifteen treatment hours. He shows through play and activities how he is followed and piloted through his grief. The healing by play therapy is depicted in words and pictures out of the perspective of both patient and therapist. The crisis therapy will work as the first link in a new future.

In spite of the tragic reasons for the meetings, "A Big and a Little One is Gone" is a documentary story which brings both hope and courage.

Elisabeth Cleve


From Chaos to Context.
Psychotherapy with a boy diagnosed ADHD.

A few words from Elisabeth Cleve

At seven years of age Douglas was physically, mentally, neuropsychiatrically (ADHD) and socially handicapped. His behaviour was also disturbed to a degree that usually rules out psychotherapy.

Children with different types of severe handicap, including a neuropsychiatric diagnosis, are seldom offered psychotherapy. Nevertheless all children have an inner life that changes over time. This is the case regardless of weather the psychic problems have primarily biological or psychological causes. I am of the opinion that it is possible to favourably influence the child's inner process of change in a psychotherapy. Such a therapy must, however, be tailored to suit the child's capacity, which must not be overrated.

The therapy with Douglas has been conducted from a psychodynamic outlook together with knowledge of neuropsychiatry. I regard it as absolutely essential to integrate both these fields of knowledge instead of pitting them against one another, which often happens today. Such an "either or" attitude does not benefit any child!

The therapy's progress is described in everyday language. It is a therapy with great gestures and of varying content, which give rise to blood, sweat, laughter and tears. Douglas' story provides an emotional understanding of what psychotherapy can mean for children and teenagers driven by impulses.

18th World Congress of Psychotherapy
Trondheim aug 2002 

Psychotherapy with a boy who has the diagnosis ADHD

Elisabeth Cleve
Erica Foundation Stockholm, Sweden

The aim of this presentation is to invite the audience into the psychotherapist's room. A psychotherapy will be presented with an adopted boy who was 7 years old when he started his treatment at the Erica Foundation in Stockholm. He had an ADHD-diagnosis as well as grave physical, psychic and social handicap. He was impulsive and violent. His demands have been hard on a therapist's and the institution's holding function. He comes to his therapy for 365 hours. Instead of becoming a hooligan, he tries hard to behave like an ordinary boy and wishes very much to become an ordinary man. For the boy as well as for the therapist there has been blood, sweat, tears and lots of laughter.